About Sahaja Yoga

Sahaja Yoga is a method of meditation that allows everyone to learn about themselves and how to become balanced. 

It was created by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in 1970 and has since spread to ninety-five countries.

About Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi discovered a unique method of meditation called "Sahaja Yoga," which allows the achievement of inner enlightenment and reveals humanity's true potential.

Shri Mataji showed that there is a motherly spiritual energy within each person called Kundalini. The awakening of this energy allows each person to become aware of an inner subtle system of centres (chakras) and channels (Nadis). One can learn how to use these new tools to achieve inner balance and improve one's life.

About Vishwa Nirmala Dharma Educational Society (VND)

VND Canada is registered as a charitable organization under BC bylaws. As part of its vision and founding principles, laid out by the founder, VND follows a non-profit model and provides free meditation classes and workshops online and in person throughout Canada.

More about VND